Luke Feathering Propeller (cal)

Monday, October 30, 2006

The Cal was equipped with a feathering propeller produced by the Luke corporation. It's very similiar to the MaxProp line, though appears somewhat more robust even if less aesthetically streamlined. When the boat was launched the prop proved to be an excellent performer. It's large diameter grabs the water very well. The boat responds to throttle and shift inputs almost instantly, you can actaully feel the boat accelerate immediatly upon shifting at idle speed. Being a feathering propeller it also gives excellent thrust in reverse. Prop walk still exists but is minimal. I'd certainly recommend one of these props based upon experiences so far. Later when finances permit I'd like to add one to the Hans Christian also. Here's a few pics. In the nav table there were zerk's/grease fittings, so we screwed one into the prop (after removing the plug) pumped in grease until fresh goop squirted out around the bases of the blades, and replaced the plug.

Location: Louisiania, United States

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